As a research network in the "Center for Inclusive Citizenship", the Forum for Gender Competence in Architecture Landscape Planning" (gender_archland)at the Leibniz University Hannover investigates the connections between social gender relations and spaces. "Gender" is recognized, analyzed and considered as a category of difference, structure, process and / or epistemology. With regard to "space", a relational understanding makes it possible to comprehend the materiality of spaces in connection with their social being and becoming. Following this interest in knowledge, urban quarters or villages as well as selected private and/or public spaces become the subject of research. Among other things, questions are asked about the co-construction of the categories gender and space, about processes of inclusion and exclusion that have an effect on space, or about the possibilities and limits of the production and appropriation of space by different actors. These questions will be addressed using the example of various current spatial research topics such as "Right to the City", "Energy Turnaround", "Socio-Ecological Transformation" and "Spatial Development", "Local Supply and Services of General Interest" or "Mobility between Transport and Movement".